Lumatics Technologies AG
Badenerstrasse 13
5200 Brugg
Commercial register:
No claim to correctness, completeness or up-to-dateness
All information on this website is provided as stated without any claim to accuracy, completeness or timeliness. The information may contain technical or other inaccuracies as well as typographical or typing errors.
We endeavor to check all content on this website on an ongoing basis and - if necessary - to update, correct and, if necessary, delete it (particularly in the case of illegal content). However, no responsibility is assumed for the content, correctness and form of the contributions posted.
Changes are added to this information from time to time. These changes will be included in new editions of the website or in additional sections. We reserve the right to make improvements and/or changes to the services described on this website at any time.
Version March 2024
J-C-C Jakob Concept & Connect
Ackerweg 15
8907 Wettswil
Member of Adlatus Zurich + Agglomeration